Emergency Preparedness

Texas is a large state with diverse geography, climates and weather. Many types of natural disasters threaten Texas, including hurricanes, wildfires, floods, tornadoes, winter storms and more. Some parts of Texas are more vulnerable to tropical weather whereas other parts experience frequent tornadic activity so it’s important to learn about the emergencies most common in your area.

More specifically, here in Vinton the main issues are thunderstorms, flooding, and extreme heat. Flooding has been a substantial problem in the past, so in order to make it through flood season, we ask residents to be prepared.
By taking these three critical steps, you can consider yourself ready for emergencies.

1) Making an emergency plan

-Disasters may strike quickly and sometimes without warning. Your family may not be together in the same place when they happen, so it is important to plan for a disaster in advance.

- Sit down together and decide how you will get in touch with each other, where you will go and what you will do in different emergency situations. Keep a copy of your completed plan in an Emergency Essentials Kit or in another safe place where you can access it quickly.

- Some essential information to include in the plan is to have emergency contacts, important meeting places, and having an evacuation plan.

*Having a plan for your family will help ensure their safety and peace of mind during difficult times*

For Emergency Plan Forms or for more detailed information visit http://www.texasprepares.org/English/Family.htm

2) Building an emergency supply kit

-      You need to have essential supplies that will support you and your family during any emergency situation. To build your kit, you can start with you have at home, then, add on to it over time.

-      Prepare 2 kits in order to be ready for any type of emergency: A Grab & Go Kit and a Disaster Kit.

Grab & Go Kit

-      Include copies of important documents such as birth certificates, insurance policies, medical or financial records, etc. Include all of these documents inside a watertight plastic bag.

Disaster Kit

-      The disaster kit should include all of the following and should be kept up to date on a regular basis.

Food & Water

-      It is important to include foods that need no refrigeration or cooking. Water is also essential part of the kit. It is recommended to include 2 gallons of drinking water per family member per day.

First Aid & Medication

-      Include any prescription drugs that family members need on a daily basis or other supplies to take care of pre-existing conditions. Also include the basic first aid items such as gloves, soap, antibiotics, pain relievers, ointments, bandages, etc.

Personal Items

-      Comfort and hygiene items are recommended to take. Items such as toiletries, clothing, blankets, books are to be considered.

Clean Air Supplies

-      Include face masks to protect nose and mouth area in case the air is hazardous or contaminated.

Lighting & Communication

-      Flashlights, portable radio, batteries, cellphone with charger

Evacuation Supplies

-      Road maps and a basic tool kit for unexpected car repairs.

Special Needs Items

-      In any case, there might be situations where individuals might have babies, adults with special needs, or pets. In these cases, it is vital to include special items for these individuals.

-      Include formula, diapers, bottles, medications, baby wipes, plan for continuing treatments (such as dialysis), pet food, cleaning supplies, a leash, and some pet photos.

* If you would like a more detailed list on what items should be included in the kit visit http://texasprepares.org/campaign/PREP_SupplyList.pdf *

3) Learning about disasters

-      The best way to protect yourself and your family from disasters is by knowing what types of emergencies are most common in your area and knowing how to prepare for those conditions.

For more information on handling disasters, visit http://governor.state.tx.us/disaster