
 Rachel Quintana, Mayor

Mayor Quintana can be contacted through City Hall at (915) 886-5104 or by email at rquintana@vintontx.us.


 Victor Carrejo, Place 1

Victor Carrejo was elected in 2016 to Place 1 on the Village of Vinton City Council. He was then re-elected in 2019. Victor currently serves as Mayor Pro Tem, and also served on City Council from 2004 to 2007.

A resident of the Village of Vinton for 38 years, Victor graduated from El Paso High School and attended the University of Texas at El Paso and New Mexico State University, where he majored in Business Administration and Education.

Victor joined the US Army and served a tour of duty with the 1st Air Cavalry Division in Vietnam. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for valor with the rank of Sergeant. Victor also worked with a major retail store as a Store Support Manager and retired after 25 years.

As an avid volunteer, Victor has spent time serving on the Keep Vinton Beautiful board, 2020 Census board and at the Community Food Pantry.

As Councilman, he is proud of his various accomplishments including: the Water & Wastewater project, Master Plan for the Village of Vinton, bringing new businesses to Vinton, establishing new low-income housing and a new transit system.

Victor’s goals are to establish a strong infrastructure and create opportunities for more new businesses in Vinton. Additionally, to create new residential housing and inform residents of the importance of participating in community programs, events and committees. As a Civic Engagement facilitator, he enjoys working with city staff and volunteers to provide free English and Citizenships programs for the community.

He can be contacted through City Hall (915) 886-5104 or by email at vcarrejo@vintontx.us.


 Perry Duby, Place 2

He can be contacted through City Hall (915) 886-5104 or by email at pduby@vintontx.us.


 Paula Monrreal, Place 3

Ms. Monrreal was elected in November 2023 for her first term on City Council.

She can be contacted through City Hall at (915) 886-5104 or by email at pmonrreal@vintontx.us.


 Lourdes "Lulu" Cloud, Place 4

Lourdes “Lulu” Cloud was re-elected to Place 4 of the Village of Vinton City Council in 2023. She was elected to her first term for Place 4 six years prior in November 2017.

Lourdes is currently employed with the El Paso Independent School District and has set many goals for herself. One being completing her degree from the University of Texas at El Paso, another to continue to serve her community, the Village of Vinton.

Serving others is one of Lourdes’ core values. She has dedicated much of her time to volunteering. Her volunteer activities include: River Cleanups, cleaning senior citizens yards, Bulk Waste events, Christmas in the Village, the Sterling Committee and Health Fairs.

Lourdes has lived in Vinton since 1993. Her greatest accomplishments in her life are her two sons, Edward Cloud Jr., a graduate from the University of Texas at El Paso, and Justin Cloud, a graduate from the University of Texas at San Antonio. 

Lourdes looks forward to what the future holds for her with the Village of Vinton.

She can be contacted through City Hall at (915) 886-5104 or by email at lcloud@vintontx.us.


 Santos Lucero, Place 5

Mr. Lucero was re-elected in November 2023 for his fifth term on City Council.

He can be contacted through City Hall at (915) 886-5104 or by email at slucero@vintontx.us.